Thursday, October 31, 2019

American Conflicts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

American Conflicts - Research Paper Example The Revolution was seen as a war of independence. There are several stages in a revolution. One stage is that â€Å"the various fibers are knit together† and you have to stretch some parts while loosening the other parts. There can several analogies of a revolution. But one thing is certain, there has to be changed. Revolution is changing, and the change can be in the system, in the method and the ways of ruling. The social consequences of a revolution are not the result of the wishes and plans of those who started the revolution but by the desires of those who are in control. The American Revolution was started by only a few compared to the population at that time. It was started by a numerical minority, â€Å"just like the Viet Cong†, although by the end of the revolution, the majority of the colonists may have supported the struggle against Great Britain. The war between the Patriots and Tories resembled like the Vietnam-Vietcong conflict. The Americans sought foreig n aid instead of foreign alliance. John Adams warned that alliances would entrap America in future European wars.   For instance, the French did not want a second American invasion of Canada, and the French did not want the new United States full control of the North American continent because they had the fishing rights in the Mississippi.Wars mar the history of a nation (Morris, 1969, p. 350). The Civil War in America’s history, which marked its 150th year in 2011, tested the American spirit.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Marketing is more than selling and promotion Essay Example for Free

Marketing is more than selling and promotion Essay The primary concern or objective of marketing is to identify and satisfy, or exceed the changing needs of customers. In view of this broad concern of marketing, it can be seen that the concept of marketing summarizes many activities in a business. Marketing, in fact, refers to any activity undertaken by a firm that has been designed to plan, price, promote and distribute ideas, goods and services to target markets. These marketing activities were executed in order to create an exchange and sales that will result in the achievement of the proprietors individual goals and the firms goals, both in the short-term and the long-term. It is then obvious that marketing forms an integral component of any businesss operations. In particular marketing activities attempt to increase a firms revenue base, by showing the importance of attracting potential customers in target markets to purchase the firms products in order to satisfy their wants, rather than those of firms competitors. Consequently, the marketing directly contributes to the attainment of the financial goals of the firm. Hence, the success of a firm is reliant upon the extent to which it is able to identify, and satisfy the customers needs more effectively. Marketing as an activity that involves several features, all of which are presented during the course of the marketing process. Such features include, firstly and most importantly, that marketing is a long process that begins with the creation of an idea and ends up as product that will be sold to satisfy a customers needs. Secondly, marketing is seen as a managerial process as it involves making managerial decisions about the particular mix of product, price, place and promotion in a firm. Furthermore, marketing involves managers planning and ensuring that particular arranged activities are carried out, in order for the marketing plan to be successful. Finally, marketing is perceived as a way in which firms are able to satisfy the needs of customers, and in turn achieve their own business goals. Marketing provides the business with the ability to satisfy the changing wants of customers. In light of this, and the fact that businesses have  become increasingly aware of the role that marketing plays in achieving success in the business, several approaches or philosophies to marketing have developed. There are different approaches to marketing, to help to define marketing and to show, how a specific marketing approach/s depends upon particular businesss marketing strategy and the type of product being marketed. Starting with a Marketing Concept, which believes that a customers need for satisfaction, is the economic and social reason for an organisations existence. This approach requires, that all of the businesss activities should be targeted towards meeting consumer wants, while at the same time meeting the organisations goals. In effect, this approach needs the firm to find out what the customer wants, and subsequently develops a product to meet these requirements and then sell it at a profit. Then the Production Concept should be considered. This approach states that the business will sell its product if it is both well made and affordable. Businesses utilising this method require management to focus on improving production techniques and cost structures of the business The Product Concept focuses on the quality, features, and performance of the product. Believing that if the product has more features or is of a better quality and performance compared to competitors, it will then gain greater sales it is defiantly less customer orientated. The Selling Concept concentrates on developing sales techniques and promotional activities in order to entice customers into buying an organisations product, whether they want it or not. Therefore this approach places direct emphasis on customers, but possibly not on their want-satisfaction. After all the Societal Marketing Concept which is the latest marketing approach, combines the main ideas of the marketing approach, that is, determining customer needs and satisfying the businesss goals, but also integrates social responsibility into the business. This social responsibility includes increasing environmental awareness, which may include tackling the problems of pollution and the exploitation of  non-renewable resources. Modern day businesses are under pressure to adopt this marketing approach, in order to become more socially responsible. This approach not only focuses on fulfilling the customers want-satisfaction, but also satisfying society. These four approaches in particular show, that marketing is more than promoting and selling a product. They could be compared with the four P?s (product, place, promotion and price), which are normally used to describe the process of marketing. But the concepts of marketing, production, product, selling and society marketing give another view into the difficult and never ending process of marketing.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Environmental Studies Essays Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

Environmental Studies Essays Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development A small manufacturing company is keen to promote its activitiesas being sustainable. As part of this process, the management has decided toimplement an EMS with a view to obtaining ISO 14001 certification. Withspecific reference to issues that are likely to be relevant to a smallmanufacturing company, discuss the role of the environmental management toolswe considered in workbook 2 and explain how these environmental managementtools are interrelated in terms of both data inputs/outputs and methodologies.Also, describe to what extent the EMS and the use of management tools could beseen as contributing to sustainable developments. Interest in environmental protection and sustainable development has beenincreasing year by year. To meet the challenges, an Environmental ManagementSystem (EMS) is implemented. An EMS is a continuous cycle of planning,implementing, reviewing and improving the processes and actions that anorganisation undertakes to meet its environmental obligations. The worlds firststandard for environmental management systems (EMS) BS 7750 was developed andpublished by the British Standards Institution (BSI) in 1992. This later formed the basis for the ISO 14000, which was developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). In 1996, ISO 14001 which establishes the requirements for an EMS was finalised. Implementation of an EMS can improve environmental performance, reduced liability, competitive advantage, reduced costs, fewer accidents, employee involvement, compliance performance, enhance management confidence, increase efficiency, improve public image, enhance customer trust, meet customer requirements and growth management. Thekey to effective environmental management is the use of a systematic approachto planning, controlling, measuring and improving an organisationsenvironmental performance. Common aspects of an EMS are environmental policy,adequate resources, responsibilities and authorities, training, systemdocumentation, operational controls, document control, system audits andmanagement review. Most EMS models are based on the concept of Plan, Do,Check, Act model introduced by Shewart and Deming which emphasises the conceptof continual improvement. Someof the important EMS elements in common EMS models are discussed in detail.Most of the EMS components are inter-related (given in fig 1). The firstelement is the environmental policy, which is the top managementsdeclaration of its commitment to the environment. The environmental policy servesas a foundation and vision of environmental concern by the entire organisation.The policy should relate to the companys products and services, be simple,understandable, and explicit enough to be audited. The policy is relevant tocontinual improvement, pollution prevention and compliance with relevant lawsand regulations. Thesecond element is the identification of environmental aspects which arethe organisations activities, products, or services that can interact with theenvironment. These environmental aspects , which are called as significantenvironmental aspects, determine the environment objectives to beestablished and operational controls and actions defined later. Theenvironmental aspects are essential to establish positive impacts on thebottom line and providing environmental improvements. Legal and other requirements of the EMS may include federalrequirements, state and local requirements, standards in locations in which thecompanys products/services are sold and permit conditions. These requirementsshould be factored into the organisations management efforts to avoidpotential costs as non-compliance can cause possible damage to the environment,revenue loss and impact on public image. Objectives and targets establish environmental goals for theorganisation in line with company policy, environmental policy, environmentalimpacts, the views of interested parties and other factors. This is essentialto help an organisation translate purpose into action. Various EMS implementationprojects for small and medium-sized companies indicate that it is best to startwith a limited number of objectives and expand the list over time. Measurementof progress of achieving targets should be determined. An Environmental Management Program is developed byplanning to achieve objectives. Targets should be set by definingresponsibilities for achieving goals and means and time frame for achievingthem. Therefore, an Environmental Management Program acts as a road map/actionplan for achieving environmental goals. Re-evaluation of the action plan andfocus in continual improvement should be made. Structureand responsibility defines effective roles and responsibilities and ensuresthat the top management provide resources including human resources,specialised skills, technology, and financial resources. Small and medium-sizedorganisations may have advantages over large ones in structuring theirresources for environmental management as resource being limited; people haveexperience in performing multiple functions. Structure and responsibility isneeded for an EMS to live up to its full potential. Training,awareness and competency are important for awareness, motivation,commitment, skills/capability, compliance and performance as every employee canhave potential impacts on the environment by generating good ideas forimprovement. Training should be conducted and tracked and its effectivenessevaluated. Establishment of internal and external communications onenvironmental management issues for neighbours, community groups, otherinterest groups, local officials, regulatory agencies and emergency respondersshould be effected to maintain the flow of useful and required information.Effective communication can help to motivate workforce, gain acceptance for thecompanys plans and efforts, explain the companys environmental policy, ensureunderstanding of roles and expectations, demonstrate management commitment,monitor and evaluate performance and identify potential system improvements. EMSdocumentation by maintaining information on EMS and related documentsshould be done to provide adequate information to the people involved in thesetting up of the EMS and also to external parties like customers, regulators,lending institutions, registrars and the public for better understanding. Documentcontrol is a mechanism providing up-to-date procedures, instructions andother documents to ensure effective management of procedures and other systemdocuments . It ensures that people are consistently performing in the rightway. It is linked with EMS documentation, operational control and records. Operationalcontrol is effected by identifying, planning and managing operations andactivities in line with company policy, objectives and targets which includedocumented procedures to manage environmental policy, significant environmentalaspects, objectives and targets and legal and other requirements. It ensuresthat the commitments of the environmental policy is satisfied and preventdeviations from the policy. Operational control is also needed to managesignificant aspects or legal requirements. Emergency preparedness and response is to be maintained to reduceinjuries, prevent or minimize environmental impacts, protect employees andneighbours, reduce asset losses and minimize downtime. It serves as a tool todetermine whether more training and revision of emergency plans and proceduresis needed. Monitoringand measurement of key activities and performance is essential to evaluateenvironmental performance, analyse root causes of problems, assess compliancewith legal requirements, identify areas requiring corrective action, improveperformance and increase efficiency. In general, is serves as an assessment ofhow well the system is performing and helps to manage the organisation better.Monitoring is done effectively when current and reliable data is available byproper EMS documentation and Document control. Non-conformance and corrective and preventive action is essentialto identify and investigate problems, identify root causes, identify andimplement corrective and preventive actions and make sure actions are trackedand their effectiveness verified. Most EMS problems are identified by internalauditors by accessing information from operation control and monitoring andmeasurement. Records are essential to demonstrate the actual implementation ofthe EMS designed. Records have value internally as well as over time when thereis a need to provide evidence to external parties such as customers, aregistrar or the public. Accurate records is also essential for a system tooperate consistently. Virtually every element of the EMS can result in thegeneration of records as it is inter-linked. An EMS audit is a systematic and documented verification processof objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence to confirm whether anorganisations environmental management system conforms to the environmentalmanagement system audit criteria set by the organisation. In a smallerorganisation, periodic audits can be particularly valuable as managers close tothe work may not often see the problems or insufficient procedures that have beendeveloped. Management review is the key to continual improvement and forensuring that the EMS will continue to meet the organisations needs over time.They also offer a great opportunity to keep the EMS efficient and costeffective. Smaller organisations often favour employee experience over writtenprocedures and documented systems. However, personnel turnover withoutdocumented systems can stall progress. On establishment of an EMS, it isessential to evaluate how useful it is to relate to the companys policytowards sustainable development. For any company, economic growth has been considered as a major indicatorof a healthy society, but lately, the environmental cost has been recognised bythe society. So there is a need to develop sustainable development a meansof satisfying present needs without compromising the ability of the futuregenerations to meet theirs. The implementation of sustainable managementinitiatives has been mainly a reaction to environmental pressures, legalobligations, risk management, customer demands and competition. This has leadto a change in the stakeholders interpretation of sustainable developmentthrough constraints of politics, economics, science, culture and religion. The intent of an EMS is to facilitate a voluntary implementation of aneffective management system for both sound environmental performance and alsoparticipation in environmental schemes. The design principle of an EMS is notto be a regulatory device as such, but as a regulatory device with the objectiveof sustainable development. To evaluate their role in sustainable development,in their current form, EMS only functions for continual improvement onenvironmental objectives and targets after considering regulations, effects ofthe products on the environment, organisational goals and views of concernedparties. Implementing an EMS does not alter the basic obligation to comply with applicable requirements or the requirements themselves. Through compliance, they provide ways to make achievement of that end more sustainable and predictable. So EMS has emerged as a important tool in improving performance above legal minimums and widely accepted. References. Cascio, J.,Woodside, G and Mitchell, P. (1996) ISO 14000: A guide to the New InternationalEnvironmental Standards. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Hillary (1994)The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme: A Practical Guide. UK: Stanley Thornes(Publishers) Ltd. IAS (1991)International Accounting Standards (2nd Edition). Vol I II.IAS No 1-31. Copenhagen: FSRs Forlag. International Network for Environmental Management. (2004) YourEnvironmental Management Tool Box, INEM.[12/08/2005]. Netrags. (2005)Environmental Management Systems, Netrags.[14/08/2005]. Rao, P K. (2000)Sustainable Development Economics and Policy. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers. SETAC (1991) ATechnical Framework for Life-Cycle Assessment. Washington DC: SETAC. Stapleton, P J.,Glover, M A. and Davis, S P. (2nd Eds) (2001) EnvironmentalManagement Systems: An Implementation Guide for Small and Medium-SizedOrganisations. NSF. Sturn, A andUpasena, S. (1997, 1998) ISO 14001 Implementing an Environmental ManagementSystem (version 2.02, 1998). Available from:[12/08/2005].

Friday, October 25, 2019

Do You Have What It Takes? A Breakdown Of The Educated Person Essay

Do You Have What it Takes? A Breakdown of the Educated Person An educated person is a well rounded person. To be educated is to knowledgeable in many areas. Diversity is essential in the sense that many different things inspire thought, which then derive permanent conclusions from these experiences. Anyone who has the audacity to call themselves educated needs to have a firm grasp of many different areas. These categories span through Science, Technology, Language, Art, Feelings and Values. All of these are building blocks that help make up an educated person, but just as important, these are the same qualities that form an individual. One of the most important concepts that a person learns from Science is a fundamental thinking process. This process starts with curiosity, asking the question," Why does that work?" It then moves on to theorizing or guessing. Next, this person takes his or her theory and puts it to the test by conducting various experiments. Finally this individual will draw a final conclusion from those findings. Science also helps a person look at things objectively, which means there is no feelings influencing experiments that can lead to fraudulent conclusions. This can be a double edged sword however, because in many instances when a scientist is emotionally removed from the experiments performed, the question, "Should I?", is never asked. For instance under the reign of Hitler many cruel medical experiments were preformed. In The Medical Experiments by William Shirer the author states,"Prisoners were placed in high pressure chambers and subjected to high-altitude tests until they ceased breathing. They were injected with lethal doses of typhus and jaundice. They were subjected to 'freezing' experiments in icy water or exposed naked in the snow outdoors until they froze to death." This also deals with the subject of values and will be discussed detail later. Probably the most positive way to utilize Science would be to take it to the next level, Technology. This is were an educated person takes what laws and theories he learns in science and integrates them into everyday life, finding ways to make life easier and arguably better. I say arguably because many educated people are against technological advancement. These... ...m any language. Susanne K. Langer in her article The Cultural Importance of Art states,"There is, however, an important part of reality that is quite inaccessible to the formative influence of language: that is the realm of so-called "inner experience," the life of feeling and emotion. All of these attributes lose power without an individual set of values to focus this energy. Adolf Hitler influenced millions by being a masterful orator. Hitler also was very innovative in science and many other areas. However do to his grossly warped sense of personal values he was labelled by leaders and peers as a madman. It is very difficult for any person to be a master of all of these categories, but to be truly educated, there needs to be at least a small concentration of everything in that individual's background. For the one reason that it is so difficult to posses all of these traits, it is also that same reason that makes all of the truly educated people of our past stand out in history as heros and leaders. This is also the biggest reason that so many people admire them and strive to be like them.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

An Overview Of The Spartan History History Essay

Sparta has long been an interesting society to people in modern times and to those populating when Sparta was a dominate power in Greece. Their society, Torahs and military art made those around them uncomfortable, interested and outraged. Some Grecian provinces saw Sparta as an ideal community and others saw it as a baleful force. Sparta managed to accomplish great power in Greece under the Torahs of Lycurgus and their ability to implement them in every item of Spartan life. There are several factors that helped do it possible but Sparta managed to accomplish an equal society based on their citizen ‘s trueness to the province. The preparation of male Spartan citizens was a â€Å" rough subject that transformed male childs into soldiers who were incarnations of bravery, virtuousness, and obeisance. †[ 1 ]All facets of Spartan history led to its success and power in Greece but their military might was the centre of their authorization. Everything from the fables of their ascendants, to the enforcement and credence of Lycurgus ‘ Torahs, to their military laterality gave Sparta the ideal community of domination and prestigiousness. Sparta was wholly alone from all other provinces in Greece during its clip. Spartan history began long before the initiation of Sparta as a metropolis. They based their heritage off of a fable that said they were dead persons of Hercules. The fable states that their first leaders were the great grandsons of Hercules, who had been forced to go forth Laconia and seek safety. The inheritors were determined to take back what belonged to them and they sought advice from the prophet of Delphi. They asked the prophet if they could retrieve the lands that truly belonged to them. The prophet told them they would be able to recover their lands after three crops. In clip, the Heraclids found that three crops meant three coevalss, non three seasons and they settled down and waited for that twenty-four hours to come. The clip finally came and Hercules ‘ descendants became masters. Afterwards, the Peloponnesus was split between the new leaders. Twin brothers, Procles and Eurysthenes, received Laconia and at that place they began the society that would go one of the most powerful Grecian provinces of its clip. The narrative was passed down through coevalss and gave them claim to their descent and rightful topographic point in Greece. This claim justified their coup d'etat of Grecian parts and people. It besides gave them the belief that they were kin to the Gods and their Godhead power. Throughout Spartan history, it is easy to see that they relied to a great extent on their beliefs and in their faith. These ideas are even reflected in the fable of their decent. The myth contributed to the Spartan attitude of power and justification for their high quality. There is non much information on early Sparta and what small there is historiographers speculate about. The paperss that are available can non be seen as wholly dependable ; nevertheless, it is known that Sparta did non get down as a dominate province in Greece but became one because they believed district in Laconia was truly theirs. In the beginning, the Spartans or Dorian ‘s were originally thought to be pastoral people that invaded Laconia. It is of import to cognize that although they were herders in a sense, they were non unagitated, docile people. The mobile Spartans should be thought of as work forces that had â€Å" blood feuds, king of beasts Hunts, lodger wars and stole adult females. †[ 2 ]These work forces took over Laconia, led by the duplicate male monarchs. The colony of the herder established Sparta as a city state. This guess adheres to the fables of Spartan history. Whether this narrative was believed for justification intents or because it was the hon est belief of the citizens is ill-defined. Early on in Greece, Athens and many of the other Grecian provinces started to spread out their districts in foreign lands to supply excess infinite and resources for their citizens. Sparta did non take the same position as the other Grecian opposite numbers ; alternatively, they decided to take over the land of their neighbours. In the 8th century, the Spartans began their quest to occupy Messenia and take its citizens as slaves. Unfortunately, the Argos, a Messenian ally stopped the Spartans from occupying this country until the Argives were pulled into the Lelantine War and Messenia was no longer protected by its ally. For the following few old ages the Spartans harassed the Messenians, ne'er engaging war on them but stealing their nutrient, taking what they could and doing mayhem wherever they saw an chance. They did non make harm to the country because they believed it belong to them and did non desire to harm what was theirs. The Messenians refused to contend, which aggravated t he Spartans and made them believe about abandoning their attempts. Finally, the Spartans returned place, merely to be lead on another expedition. In clip, the war began and although there is small know about the war itself, scholars believe it was peculiarly barbarous conflict. During this war it seems that the Spartan military mentality was already present, the â€Å" Spartans fought in a disciplined mode, and the Messenians charged separately and recklessly. †[ 3 ]Despite the subject of the Spartans, they were non able to win the conflict. However, the Messenians were going desperate for supplies and they were losing their population to the Spartans. Finally the Messenians were unable to defy the Spartans and became capable to their metropolis. This first conflict proved that the Spartans were superior combatants and began a tendency that would take them to going a military force to be feared. The Messenians were now slaves to the Spartans. However, they did non bury their freedom and 39 old ages subsequently rose up in a 2nd war to free themselves. This war was more hard for Sparta than the first had been. They were about defeated by the grandsons of the work forces they had one time conquered. The blue bloods of Sparta were defeated and suffered great causalities. The Spartans feeling defeated were ready to stop the war ; nevertheless, the Spartan male monarchs called for non-aristocratic males to organize a hoplite ground forces and pushed on with the war. A general named Tyrtaeus began to present new constructs into the Spartan ground forces including award, subject, manhood and citizenship. He told the new ground forces that they were a new sort of aristocracy based off these qualities, non on land or wealth. In the interim, the Messenian Alliess were pulled into a war with the Peloponnesian powers and were no longer able to help Messenia. Once once more, the Messenia ns were no longer protected by their Alliess and knew they did non stand a opportunity against the new Spartan hoplite ground forces. They finally fell and were subjected to Spartan control. The Second Messenian war caused effects that would alter their society everlastingly. The formation of the citizen ground forces caused great internal discord. After the war, the new Spartan ground forces had created a displacement in the balance of power. The blue bloods wanted to go on with the old societal categories but the new hoplites demanded political grants. The new hoplites were in the place to demand such things and the Spartan male monarchs knew something had to be done. The male monarchs were soldiers and blue bloods and were put into a alone place to compromise with both sides. They besides knew that if they wanted to keep their places they had to do certain that their society was non ripped apart. At this point in history, Sparta introduced policies that began its transmutation to the polis that is celebrated today. Lycurgus the lawmaker was thought to be connected to â€Å" the Eurypontid royal line, therefore likely linking him with King Charillos † and had traveled around the Grecian universe detecting other societies.[ 4 ]He imagined making a society of the best citizens without green-eyed monster and inequalities. He was put in charge of reforming Sparta by the two male monarchs after the Messenian Wars. He began to implement and make Torahs for Sparta. These Torahs were forbidden to be written down but were passed down from coevalss to the following. Lycurgus changed the societal, political and household life of every Spartan. No other Grecian metropolis had dared to alter their society so drastically. There was a entire change in the manner the citizens lived their lives, how their political relations were run and the impairment of the category system. Without Ly curgus ‘ Torahs, Sparta would non hold going the society that captured the attending of so many people around them. The Torahs were unforgettable and left its permanent feeling on the universe. Lycurgus began this transmutation by composing a fundamental law for Sparta called the Rhetra and took it to the prophet of Delphi for consent. Once it was permitted he brought it to the citizens of Sparta. It was evident that this papers established â€Å" the people ‘s rights and avowal of their sovereignty. †[ 5 ]There were new signifiers of authorities, and some of the old signifiers were kept in topographic point. The two male monarchs would go on to hold power but it was limited to war and faith. They were still considered male monarchs but Sparta would non be capable to a dual-monarch any longer. The double kingship could be traced back in their fable of the laminitiss of Sparta. The double kingship was alone to Sparta but was of great benefit for many grounds. Without the constitution of two male monarchs, Sparta would non hold achieved the power it did. The two male monarchs held a alone place in society which led to the execution of new Torahs and the credence of a alteration in society. When one of the male monarchs died, a new one would be appointed. After the new male monarch was appointed, it was tradition for him to â€Å" put free any adult male of the Spartans who was a debitor to the male monarch or to the province †[ 6 ]The double male monarchs would so go on their reign and the rhythm would finally reiterate itself. The male monarchs shared a place on the Council of Elders with 28 other work forces over the age of 60. These work forces came from baronial birth and were expected to assist do determinations for society. The 3rd signifier of authorities was the assembly, which was made of all Spartan work forces over the age of 30. The assembly was the most unfastened signifier of authorities. This subdivision helped do the citizens feel that they were equal and had a say in the political relations of Sparta. The ephorate made up the concluding subdivision of authorities. These work forces were elected yearly and had to subject for reappraisal after their term was finished. There were a sum of five ephors. In the beginning, the ephors were supposed to move as trustees for the male monarchs when they were at war, but they bit by bit became the voice of the people. In the 6th century, an ephor named Chilon was elected and he would press the ephors to go peers to the male monarchs. This alteration did go on and it altered the foreign policy of Sparta. They besides held great influence over the male monarchs. They made sure that the double male monarchs did non keep scores, had the right to talk for the damos at the assembly and all right citizens that had committed incorrect behaviors. Besides, during a clip of war, two of the ephors would attach to the male monarchs to conflict. The ephorate had control over the day-to-day personal businesss of the authorities and were seen as the representatives of the people. The ephors were important in equilibrating the power of the authorities. Having the different subdivisions of authorities gave society stableness. If these subdivisions had non been implemented Sparta may non hold become such a booming society. The subdivisions were able to look into and equilibrate each other while doing the citizens feel they were on equal footings with all other citizens. Spartan society was besides divided into groups harmonizing to their birth. The first category was made of full Spartan citizens. They were given full rights under authorities, given land one time they became of age, and their kids were eligible for Spartan citizenship. Spartan work forces became professional soldiers and Spartan adult females became female parents of soldiers. It was clear in Sparta, that the responsibilities of the citizens were towards the province. Everything each member did was to assist the province win as a military power. This is expressed in a narrative about an exiled Spartan that was speaking to the Persians during the Persian War. When the Persians asked the adult male to explicate Sparta, he replied that â€Å" Spartans feared merely the jurisprudence. †[ 7 ]The Torahs of Lycurgus were followed by every citizen and were passed through each new set of Spartan soldiers and female parents. Society encouraged the ideal citizen, it is best expressed by saying that â€Å" theoretical account Spartans did non love their households ; they loved the State. †[ 8 ]In other Grecian metropoliss of this clip, personal addition amongst the blue bloods was a outstanding characteristic of society. The categories were non treated the same in any manner. Higher and lower born citizens were capable to different Torahs and were divided politically, the latter non holding any rights at all. These citizens did non hold every facet of their life dedicated to the province and went into professions based on their households. The devotedness to the province was the most of import characteristic of Spartan society. If each member of society had non taken it as their responsibility, Sparta would most decidedly non hold achieved such unbelievable power. The male population was forced into an instruction that was based off military preparation get downing at age 7. The male childs lived, Ate and slept in common houses. They were trained at a immature age to go physically and mentally obedient. They had two responsibilities that they were being trained to carry through, going soldiers and to reproduce. Spartan male childs had to be ferocious warriors and were taught that award was greater than life itself. Xenophon stated that â€Å" an honest decease is preferred to a dishonourable life. †[ 9 ]Unlike the remainder of Greece, the province supported the male child ‘s instruction and single parents had no say in how their boies would be educated. The male childs were besides taught to be tough from their military preparation. They were given really basic vesture demands, merely one adventitia a twelvemonth, little rations of nutrient and their beds were made out of reeds that were picked from manus. The male childs were bes ides encouraged to steal nutrient. If caught, the male child would be punished for non being furtive plenty. This military preparation managed to bring forth the fiercest warriors in all of Greece. During the Persian War Sparta showed its strength and award of its soldiers. King Xerxes was able to see Sparta as â€Å" a combat machine strong plenty, adept plenty and sufficiently iron-willed to drive his hosts from the effort to integrate the mainland Greeks † into Persia.[ 10 ]Spartan soldiers made the military machine run. The province gained its prestigiousness on the repute of the armed forces. The soldiers were responsible for the power, without it Sparta would non hold been seen as the absorbing topographic point we know today. At age 20, Spartan boys endured several alterations. At this clip the male childs were required to fall in a nine. If he was non admitted into a nine he was non eligible to go a full Spartan citizen. He besides became active in the military and was encouraged to take a married woman. Unlike many of the other Grecian provinces, the Spartan young person was able to pass clip together during festivals and exercising. They most likely had the luxury of cognizing their partner before their nuptials twenty-four hours. Those work forces who were known to be unmarried mans were dishonored. They were non allowed to watch the other young person ‘s exercising, take part in spiritual festivals and felt the shame from non reproducing. In a society that valued reproduction and considered it to be a precedence, it is non surprising. Another facet in Spartan society was homosexualism. The Spartan work forces were encouraged throughout their lives to organize sexual bonds with other work forces. Harmonizing to Xenaphon, Lycurgus â€Å" encouraged association between adult male and male child. †[ 11 ]In their young person, the male childs were frequently expected to take older male lovers and society encouraged these relationships. It may hold been seen as acceptable so that the work forces formed close bonds to each other and would contend harder to protect those around them. In add-on, it would non be surprising for those relationships to organize because the work forces spent more clip with their chap soldiers than their married womans, parents and kids. In contrast, Spartan adult females enjoyed a great trade of freedom, particularly compared to their opposite numbers throughout Greece. Relatively talking, they even had more freedom than their male parents, brothers and hubbies. The females besides began their instruction at the age of 7 but it was non aimed at military cognition. Alternatively, they were taught to go ideal female parents for Spartan soldiers. Although they did non receive military preparation, they were expected to take part in physical activities and athleticss. The Spartans believed if their misss were encouraged to prosecute in physical activity their organic structures would bring forth strong kids. Some pictures even reveal misss and male childs disputing each other in athletics. One picture depicts youths â€Å" on an unfastened grassy field, four lightly clothed immature adult females confront a group of bare immature work forces, who have cast off their fundamental garments. †[ 12 ]The adult females were permitted to sing, dance and take part in festivals frequently demoing their accomplishments in one of the countries. There are besides artifacts that convince modern bookmans that Spartan adult females were involved in equestrian athleticss including, siting Equus caballuss and chariots. On top of artefacts, some of the Spartan Queens had names or monikers with equestrian significances. It is clear that adult females were involved in an array of featuring activities. There is besides grounds that they were taught to read and compose. The authors during this clip reference adult females being able to read or deducing it in some manner. The Spartan adult females were besides said to hold been encouraged to voice their ideas and sentiments. There is a narrative that Gorgo, a queen of Sparta was encouraged by her male parent to talk her head. Herodotus explains that she â€Å" advised her male parent non trust Aristagoras and Kleomenes and he followed her advice. †[ 13 ]It is evident that adult females in Sparta were far from the soundless type. This would be a immense contrast to the remainder of the Grecian adult females who were deliberately hidden from society and were expected to be seen and non heard. Spartan adult females were non expected to get married until they reached maturity which was much subsequently so other adult females in Greece. This gave them plentifulness of clip to concentrate on their instruction and go ideal Spartan f emale parents. It is sensible to believe that they were able to go comparatively educated, which would help to being seen as an anomalousness in Greece. Between age 18 and 20, like the male childs, the misss were expected to get married and get down bring forthing kids. The matrimony agreements in Sparta were non drastically different from the other Grecian traditions ; nevertheless, there were some differences in the manner they picked their spouses. Many of the Spartan young persons had been exerting together since childhood. As misss got older, the pattern of exerting in the nude served more than one intent. One ground they preformed physical activities in the nude was because vesture was known to keep and adhere the jock. Another advantage was so that the â€Å" public emanations of the maidens, and their appearance naked in their exercisings and dances, were temptations to marriage. †[ 14 ]By practising these traditions Spartan males were able to turn an fond regard to a female or happen one that caught his oculus and prosecute his involvement. At this point, the male or a representative for him would seek the permission from the miss ‘s male parent to take her manus in matrimony. If a male parent died before he had arranged his girl ‘s matrimony, she would go a patrouchoi and â€Å" inherited her male parent ‘s belongings in her ain right. †[ 15 ]After that the male monarch had the authorization to set up the miss ‘s matrimony. In add-on, the sister or girl of a coward suffered greatly for his workss. She would non hold any suers and therefore she would non be able to make what she was born to make. In a society based on bring forthing kids, it would hold been seen as immense embarrassment. After the agreements were made between a suer and his bride, matrimony came shortly after. This portion of Spartan matrimony was nil like the remainder of Greece. The groom would nobble the bride in an aggressive mode and take her to a room where she would be prepared for her nuptials dark. One ground for the snatch alternatively of a expansive ceremonial would be to guard off evil liquors. This ritual would non pull attending to the matrimony, maintaining it concealed. Following, the maid of honor would come in the room and shave the bride ‘s hair. This was used as a symbol for Spartan society to see. The brides shaved caput signaled her transition from a bachelor girl to a married woman, the beginning of her new life and her credence as a full Spartan citizen. Then, the maid of honor would dress the bride in work forces ‘s vesture so she would wait for her groom. There were a few grounds why this tradition may hold existed. One ground may hold been to assist the hubby p assage from a homosexual relationship to a heterosexual relationship. The belief would hold been that the adult females looked similar to a adult male and hence, he would experience more comfy consummating their matrimony. However, the usage may hold started so that the evil oculus would non cognize she was a bride or it could hold had another spiritual significance. After the twosome had done their Spartan responsibility, the hubby would mouse out and return to his barracks. From the clip they were married until the clip the hubby was 30, the twosome would go on with their separate lives, seldom seeing each other. Couples were deliberately unbroken apart, as it was seen as an embarrassment for a hubby to be caught sing his married woman. Lycurgus implemented this societal criterion because he believed if the twosome was kept apart, they would go on to crave for one another. This in bend would promote sexual intercourse between them when the twosome did see each other doing it more likely to gestate kids. Other grounds Spartan twosomes may hold been kept apart is so they would hold â€Å" continual exercising over their egos control † or so they would see each other as sexual spouses aimed at reproducing instead than organizing an fond regard based on emotions.[ 16 ]All of these imposts were merely practiced in Sparta. In all other Grecian metropoliss, matrimony traditions were more traditional compared to today ‘s criterions. Lycurgus besides implemented a jurisprudence that had an impact on matrimony and society as a whole. He wanted to free Sparta of green-eyed monster in every facet of life. He had already created a society of equal land, taken wealth from the metropolis and required that all the males eat the same nutrient and slumber in the same topographic points. To take green-eyed monster out of relationships, Lycurgus eliminated adultery as a societal negative. In Spartan society, work forces and adult females were able to bring forth kids with other citizens every bit long as they had their partners consent. Throughout Greece, criminal conversation by adult females was seen as an discourtesy punishable by decease in some metropoliss. In some instances, work forces could acquire away with criminal conversation but kids born from these personal businesss were non legitimate. In Sparta, work forces were permitted to happen a adult female from a good household that already had several kids and inqui re permission from her hubby to hold kids with her. In add-on, if a adult male could non hold kids or was older and married to a younger adult female, he could seek out a immature adult male that was seen as honest and brave and inquire him to hold kids with his married woman. This was non uncommon in society and was seen as a manner in guarantee population growing. Besides, Spartan kids were seen as portion of the province and were disciplined by the community. The male parent did non make up one's mind how the kid would be raised or take on a fiscal load for him. These factors made it easier for several spouses to hold kids without complications. In contrast, most other Grecian poleis ‘ kids would be disciplined and educated by their male parents. If the household was affluent the household could afford a coach and a good instruction. The community did non take duty for kids at all. In Sparta, holding multiple spouses besides reinforced the adult female ‘s responsibili ty to Spartan society. She would so be responsible for multiple families and more kids. This would hold been an award and privilege to a Spartan adult female. While other Grecian adult females boasted about their weaving, Spartan adult females â€Å" found award in raising good behaved kids † .[ 17 ]Spartan adult females dutifully contributed to society in the manner they were expected to. The Spartan province made it clear that reproduction was one of their top precedences. A adult female ‘s duty to reproduce kids was seen as â€Å" a acknowledgment of the adult female ‘s indispensable function her childbirth was accorded equal public position with her warrior hubby ‘s combat in conflict. †[ 18 ]They forced exhilaration between new twosomes, allowed criminal conversation and primed their girls to happen maternity as an award and responsibility. In add-on, the province rewarded those with multiple boies. They rewarded male parents that had 3 boies by pardoning them from fort responsibility and those who had 5 boies from fiscal duties to the province. However, with the rarity of soldierly meetings, it is extr emely improbable that many twosomes were able to bring forth that many boies. Womans who raised good Spartan boies enjoyed prestigiousness in society and those who died in childbearing were honored. Although society was based on reproduction, some adult females were sterile. Despite the accent and importance put on reproduction, these adult females were non shunned like the work forces that were proven cowards or unmarried mans. Nowhere in Greece was reproduction held to such high criterions. In Athenian society in can be argued that the adult females were domestic slaves for their hubbies. Their responsibility was to their family, which included raising the kids but it was non seen as an honest act. It was expected that they would raise their kids but would non have acknowledgment for being a female parent of an ideal citizen. It is besides likely that female parents in Sparta were closer to their girls than their boies. Whether on intent or merely a effect, it seems that Spartan female parents did non bond with their boies. This is partially due to the pattern of infanticide which created a separation automatically between a female parent and her boy. This took away the initial clip when a female parent and her babe bonds. Then their boies were taken off from them at 7 old ages old which farther caused a withdrawal. The last cause for such separation could be explained with the societal attitude towards decease. Death was seen as a responsibility and award. Spartan female parents knew that their boies would travel to war on a regular basis and that their greatest award would be to decease in true Spartan manner. Although all of these grounds were factors, it is most likely a merchandise of separation from a immature age. Fathers were much like their boies and did non pass much clip at place until really t ardily in their life. In bend, male parents were non involved in their kids ‘s lives. In the remainder of Greece, female parents and male parents would hold been able to pass more clip with their kids, particularly the female parent. A female parent from another Grecian metropolis would hold been confined to the house and her boy would hold been at place with her. If anything, she would hold been less affiliated to her girl because her girl would hold been married at a comparatively immature age about 13 or 14, giving her less clip compared to Spartan girls that would be with their households into her late teens or early mid-twentiess. The male parent would hold besides been home more frequently than the Spartan male parent. Although he might hold traveled for concern or be working outside the place, he would still pass more clip with his household than his Spartan opposite number. All in all, Spartan households would hold been drastically different from the remainder of Greec e. The following category that was in Sparta was the perioeci. They were non full citizens but enjoyed a life of freedom and prosperity. This category was made of largely Lacedaemonians who â€Å" lacked the right and duties of Spartiates, viz. entree to common musss, attending in the assembly, and election to any Spartan office. †[ 19 ]Despite their exclusion from Spartan rights and authorities, the perioeci enjoyed comparative wealth within Spartan society. Spartans did non go except for conflict and they did non let many visitants. They wanted to sequester themselves from the outside universe ; in bend, the perioeci benefitted greatly in affairs of trade. They besides benefitted from Sparta ‘s deficiency of involvement in doing goods. They would carry through the Spartans material demands. This allowed the perioeci to derive financially from the Spartan citizens. It seems that the perioeci were really loyal to Sparta and indentified with the Spartans and even saw themsel ves like their opposite numbers. The two groups were likewise in many ways and it was difficult to separate them apart, particularly in the ulterior periods of Spartan history when the perioeci fought in the Spartan ground forces. In other countries of Greece, aliens moved to different metropoliss, particularly Athens, to prosecute a better life. These citizens did non profit off of society like the perioeci because the other parts of Greece were comparatively unfastened to outside influences and enjoyed imported merchandises. Besides, adult females in other parts of Greece were highly domestic with allowed them to do and take pride in bring forthing domestic goods. In bend, the aliens did non profit from the domestic market. Spartans deficiency of domestic work and foreign imports created the perfect clime for the perioeci that was non enjoyed anyplace else in the Grecian universe. The last facet of society were the serfs. The Messenian Wars achieved many Spartan ends including more land, resources and a group of people to make their agricultural and domestic work. The Messenians were forced into bondage and became lasting serfs for the province. It is of import to cognize that the serfs were non slaves for one individual or family but were bound to the province in ageless servitude. They had no rights and worked for the Spartan province. The serfs ran the farms and the places of Spartan citizens, which allowed the citizens to concentrate on their military and child raising. The serfs besides produced an income that helped the Spartan citizens pay their revenue enhancements to the province. The serf population was the chief ground that Sparta could be an entirely military tally province. There are many differences between the serfs in Sparta and the slaves in other Grecian parts. The first being, that other Grecian city states seldom took other Greeks as their slaves. The other societies believed that foreign races were inferior to them hence, tantrum to be slaves. Besides, the slaves in other societies were owned by persons and the society as a whole did non depend on them to make all of their work. The slaves were seen as retainers instead than lasting workers. Religion in Sparta was really evident and was seen as a manner to warrant parts of their society. They were an highly superstitious society and were known to detain or decline to travel to war because of spiritual festivals. They would non prorogue or travel them, even when the menace was on their doorsill. The soldiers were given leave during festival times and they were respectful of other provinces spiritual festivals. Spartan citizens were taught to follow the regulations in all facets of society, and that did non differ with their faith. They were orderly in their mundane lives and that besides continued into their festivals. They used their myth about their beginnings to advance their decent from Hercules and their ties to the divinities. They continued to follow their ascendant ‘s beliefs and sought advice from the prophets. It is clear that the Spartans believed the prophets spoke with the Gods. The boies and great grandsons confided in the Oracles, Lycurgus validated h is Torahs through them which finally gained the blessing of society as a whole and the Spartan male monarchs frequently looked to them for advice and blessing in societal and military issues. No other Grecian province was as terrible about their spiritual beliefs. Cults were besides a portion of Spartan society. Many of the cults honored Apollo because he was most closely associated with the Dorian ‘s, or Athena the frequenter goddess of Sparta. The cult of Amyclae, dedicated to Hyacinth, helped to explicate the relationship between the older and younger Spartan soldiers. There is a myth that Hyacinth was a beautiful male child that Apollo was in love with but one twenty-four hours they were playing discs and a disc that Apollo threw hit Hyacinth in the caput and he killed him. The Spartans may hold found the relationships between soldiers acceptable because Apollo, their closest God engaged in similar behaviour. The Hyacinthia was a 3 twenty-four hours festival celebrated in Hyacinth ‘s award. Female Spartans besides had many cults, they honored Dionysis, Eileithyia, Helen and Artemis. Artemis was the goddess of nature and animate beings. They believed she had influence over the destiny of kids. They believed she directed the kids down the right way and helped in their lives. Spartan misss went yearly to dance entirely in award of her at the Caryae. The Carneia and Gymnopaediae festivals were celebrated yearly in Sparta every bit good. During the festivals, work forces and adult females would finish in athletic events including, pes racing and chariot racing. The adult females would dance and sing along with some work forces. The adult females besides weaved vesture and gifts for the divinities for the festivals. Womans in Sparta did non usually do domestic work such as weaving ; nevertheless, faith was an of import portion of their life. It was the citizen ‘s responsibility to weave these garments and the serfs, who usually did the weaving, were non allowed to do them. In contrast, other Grecian adult females participated as priestesses but most rebelliously were non involved in athleticss or public festivals. Religion besides played a major function in war. The Spartan ground forces was non dispatched to the Battle of Marathon because of the Carneia. Besides, before a conflict, the male monarch would execute a forfeit in the presences of the ephors, generals and company commanding officers right â€Å" before morning to prevent the Gods † .[ 20 ]The leaders would so seek and look for portents in the bowels. If the portents were good, the conflict would travel away every bit planned but if they saw bad portents, they would detain or abandon the conflict. The Spartans were continuously involved in wars, partially because the Grecian city states frequently fought each other and foreign encroachers, but besides because they had based their full society on going the greatest military power in Greece. During the 2nd Messenian War, Sparta began to demo their accomplishment in conflict with the execution of the hoplite ground forces. The Spartan citizens showed that they were capable of going skilled and disciplined soldiers. After the Messenian Wars were over, the soldiers forced a alteration in society that propelled their way towards military domination and their boies embraced the new reforms wholeheartedly. Lycurgus ‘ reforms non merely trained every male citizen to be a ferocious warrior but they besides supplied all male citizens with armour and arms. The Spartan work forces had learned to populate with small nutrient and vesture, in the cold and had been taught to contend as one. Contending was their profession and their enemies knew it. No other metropolis in Greece could tout about this sort of military power on land. The other provinces were non able to deviate their energy and resources into the military or do their society centered on it. Even Athens, their chief challenger, was non able to bring forth an ground forces like theirs ; although, they were able to organize the most powerful naval force in Greece. Again, a difference between Sparta and Athens was that Sparta forced this alteration about by themselves ; although, they would non hold been able to make it without the pericoeli and serfs. Athens was able to make its navy because of testimonial from other Grecian pr ovinces but could non hold achieved their end without trusting on other Grecian provinces to supply the agencies. Sparta was a alone society, separate in about every manner from the other Grecian provinces. They were able to transform their society into a strictly military province, centered on the strength of all their citizens, including the adult females. They besides accomplished a trueness so great that a adult male would give himself, believing that it was his award and responsibility to make so. No other Grecian province achieved a similar society that involved all parts of the province working towards a common end. This helped them to go one of the most dominate provinces during the 6th century in Greece ; nevertheless, it besides aided to their eventual death. Even though Sparta did non last through the ages, they left rather an feeling on the people around them that carried over to our captivation of them today. Sparta will go on to perplex and astonish people because of their alone and interesting society.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

New Year’s Eve Etymology Hogmanay and Auld Lang Syne

New Year’s Eve Etymology Hogmanay and Auld Lang Syne New Year’s Eve Etymology: Hogmanay and Auld Lang Syne Happy New Year everyone! Well, not quite yet if you’re reading this on New Year’s Eve. But at midnight tonight, we say â€Å"goodbye† to one year and â€Å"hello† to yet another one. But how does a proofreader celebrate the last day of the year? With etymology, of course! The origin of â€Å"New Year’s Eve† itself is fairly obvious. But there are a couple of unusual terms associated with this time of year: Hogmanay and Auld Lang Syne. We have the Scots to thank for both of these. But what do they mean exactly? And where do they come from? Hogmanay (A Gift Given at the New Year) Scotland’s obsession with New Year’s Eve goes back to the seventeenth century and the Protestant reformation, when Christmas was banned in Scotland. The New Year therefore became the main winter festival for Scots, giving rise to what is know today as â€Å"Hogmanay.† As with many old traditions, Hogmanay involves a lot of fire.(Photo: John Lord/wikimedia) The etymology of â€Å"Hogmanay† is complicated, but one theory is that it comes from the Middle French aguillaneuf, via the dialect word hoguinanà ©, one meaning of which is â€Å"a gift given on New Year’s Eve.† This may be reflected in the Hogmanay custom of â€Å"first footing,† where the first person to enter a house after midnight on New Year will come bearing gifts. Hogmanay is still mainly a Scottish tradition. But even if you’ve never heard of first footing before, there is a certain song associated with Hogmanay that has caught on around the world†¦ Auld Lang Syne (Times Long Past) â€Å"Auld Lang Syne† is now sung around the world as New Year’s Eve passes into New Year’s Day. But it was originally a poem by Robert Burns from 1788, based on an even older folk song. It then became a Scots tradition to sing it at the New Year, later spreading across England and beyond. Auld Lang Syne. The phrase â€Å"auld lang syne† itself literally translates to â€Å"old long ago† or â€Å"old long since.† But this is better understood as meaning â€Å"days gone by† or â€Å"times long past.† This reflects the theme of the song, which is about looking back at old friendships (the â€Å"old acquaintance† mentioned in the lyrics) and coming together once more to celebrate over a â€Å"cup o’ kindness.† And whether or not you’re from Scotland, that sounds like a great way to end any year.